Name: CMC Graduate School of Business o.p.s.
Phone: 326 999 111
Fax: +420-326-992-150
Street: náměstí 5. května 2
City: Čelákovice
Zip: 250 88
Country: Czech Republic
Member since: 1994-07-01
Category: Small Business
Main type of business: Educational Services
Number of Employees in CR: 50
Core business: CMC Graduate School of Business, established in 1991, offers top-ranked Weekend MBA programs with Maastricht School of Managent. In the area of Executive Education CMC offers a wide range of open-enrollment, as well as customized management development programs such as: Certified programs accredited by Ministry of Education, Financial Management, Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, Technology and Operation Management, Business Strategy, Management & Leadership & Managerial Skills, Corporate Governance, Healthcare Management.